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School Logo

Grove House


Supporting Excellence

Upper School Overview

At Grove House our intention is that we deliver:

A curriculum to support pupils to recognise and achieve their full potential academically, personally and socially, preparing them for independent successful lives


Pupils in KS4 will continue to follow a broad and balanced curriculum and while working towards accreditations, with an emphasis on core subjects. Our aim is that all our young people achieve academically to a level that is aspirational and tailored to their individual needs and strengths.


Pupils are offered a range of qualifications to suit their personalised pathways taking into account each child’s abilities and the way in which they work best. Our qualifications range from Entry – Level 2 in Functional English, Functional Maths, ICT and Entry level in Science, Art, Creative Media and PE. GCSE English, Maths and Art are also offered, where appropriate for individual pupils. BTec awards at Level 1 or 2 are offered in Food Technology.



We hope that when students leave Grove House they have not only achieved academically but also developed life and employability skills that will help them to lead a happy and fulfil and life.  With this in mind we also offer students the opportunity to complete, where appropriate:

·  Duke of Edinburgh Awards

· Travel Training

· Visits to Colleges

· In-house Careers Advice




In addition to the above pupils in KS4 also have two therapy sessions weekly which are delivered in class and led by a speech and language therapist.

