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School Logo

Grove House


Supporting Excellence

Kooth Service is a free, confidential, safe and anonymous way for young people aged 11-26th birthday to ask for help from a team of highly qualified and experienced counsellors and support workers. This is a service that has been commissioned by Southend, Essex & Thurrock CCG’s, for all young people who live in Southend, Essex & Thurrock to be able to access. is a well-established, award winning online counselling agency and is accredited by The British Association of Psychotherapy and Counselling (BACP). Founded in 2001, they are leading pioneers of online counselling in the UK, having won a number of prestigious awards. It is a transformational lifeline that has successfully helped and continues to reach the very vulnerable, many of whom would never have access to face-to-face counselling.


KOOTH service includes:

  • drop in chats with counsellors
  • booked 1:1 chats with a counsellor
  • themed message forums
  • secure web-based email
  • articles regarding mental health

Please visit for information about Kooth.
