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School Logo

Grove House


Supporting Excellence


At Grove House we intend that our pupils will.....


develop their knowledge of an ever changing world and the skills and attributes to interact with this successfully so that they stay healthy, happy and safe. 

PSHE is studied throughout Key Stages 2, 3 and 4.  In KS2 and 3 pupils have one lesson a week while KS4 have 2 PSHE lessons, one focusing on personal development and the other on the wider world.  In  Post-16 PSHE themes are incorporated into other subjects so students learn to transfer and generalise the skills and concepts they have previously been taught and apply them in different contexts, including everyday, real-life situations.


At Grove House, PSHE is not an accredited subject - the curriculum topics are based on the PSHE Association Planning Framework for Pupils with SEND.  At Key Stage 4 we have also incorporated an adapted version of the Risk Avert Programme into our curriculum in order to help our students understand and manage everyday risk at a point where they are starting to think about going out into the community more independently.  As a school we have identified trends and issues that regularly appear within our pastoral work, due to the specific nature of our students’ needs, and have built into our curriculum from KS2 to KS5 the skills and understanding required to help support our students in learning how to manage these situations and keep themselves safe. 


PSHE covers many essential skills and concepts vital for success and safety in the real world.  We understand that our students will need to continually revisit these topics in order to retain and consolidate what they have learnt, then build their understanding and ability to apply these within their everyday lives.  For this reason, we have chosen a spiral model for our curriculum with the same topics being revisited at greater depth each year both within each key stage and throughout their time in the school.



PSHE is generally taught by the Key Stage Leads.  This enables them to ensure the examples they are using are current and relevant to our students.  It also enables them to respond to new situations and trends within their Key Stage quickly and effectively.


We assess and monitor individual student’s progress from Key Stages 2-4 through the use of the BSquared Progression Steps, however, the impact we really hope to see is that our Young People leave us having developed the skills they need to stay safe, healthy and thrive in the real world in which they live.

