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School Logo

Grove House


Supporting Excellence

Pupil Premium

The staff and governors of Grove House School are committed to ensuring that provision is made for all pupils to make maximum progress.


The pupil premium is designed to ensure that funding to tackle disadvantage reaches the pupils who need it the most. The funding is allocated to Local Authorities and schools with pupils from reception to Year 11 who are eligible for free school meals, are looked after or have parents currently in the armed forces.

We also recognise that not all pupils who are socially disadvantaged are registered or qualify for free school meals. We reserve the right to allocate pupil premium funding to support any pupil or groups of pupils which the school has identified as needing additional support to achieve improved outcomes in learning and their wellbeing.


All our work through the pupil premium will be aimed at accelerating progress in learning and personal skills, confidence, interaction, independence and emotional development.


The range of provision could include:

  • Participation in trips and visits
  • Social skills’ activity groups
  • Providing individual or small group work including therapeutic interventions
  • Participation in school clubs

Pupil attainment and progress is monitored regularly by teachers and the leadership team, this will identify specific individual need.

Once identified and when additional support has been provided, the overall effectiveness and impact will be evaluated. This will include:

  • Attainment and progress data
  • Feedback from pupils, staff and parents/carers
  • Evidence of learning – observation and/or photos

An annual statement on how pupil premium funding has been used will be placed on the school website and can be accessed by opening the attachment below:

Year 7 Literacy and Numeracy Catch up

Funding is allocated to provide the following additional resources:

  • ICT hardware to further support pupil learning and engagement in Literacy and Numeracy
  • Additional reading scheme to promote further engagement and progress with reading
  • Specific Social use of Language Programme to increase development of pupils’ communication, language and social skills
  • Additional web-based maths software