The Academic Curriculum
The Academic Curriculum
Pupils at Grove House School follow the national curriculum adapted and differentiated to meet the wide range of needs of our SLCN pupils. The curriculum offered is under constant review with the offer always based on the cohort of pupils’ different needs and accreditation pathways.
Primary Phase:
The Primary curriculum at Grove House covers the National Curriculum subjects with differentiated schemes of work as required for our pupils with SLCN.
Pupils have daily English and Maths lessons in addition to a timetable covering Science, ICT, PE (including swimming), Topic, (Humanities), Art, Music, Technology and PSHE.
Reading is taught throughout the curriculum with targeted sessions on phonics following the Sound Discovery programme, along with additional reading sessions targeted to individuals.
Pupils are encouraged to read independently across the curriculum and opportunities to read aloud to different audiences are maximised.
As pupils get older and move into the secondary phase of education we aim to further develop pupils’ independence and self-help skills. Pupils follow a secondary model moving around the school to specialist rooms.
The KS3 curriculum at Grove House covers the National Curriculum subjects with differentiated schemes of work as required for our pupils with SLCN.
Pupils have daily English and Maths lessons in addition to a timetable covering Science, ICT, PE, Humanities, Art, Drama, Music, Food Technology/Horticulture and PSHE.
Reading continues to be taught throughout the curriculum with targeted sessions on phonics implemented where required (Sound Discovery programme) along with two additional timetabled reading sessions.
As pupils move into Upper School we aim that all our young people are supported to achieve academically to a level that is aspirational and tailored to their individual needs and strengths. Whilst continuing to follow a differentiated national curriculum, preparation for adulthood and life skills are also highly prioritised at this stage in order that pupils are fully supported to develop skills which will lead to a happy and fulfilling life.
Formal accreditation is offered in English, Maths, Statistics (where appropriate) Science, ICT, Media, PE, Art, Music and arts, Food technology. These are offered at different levels as appropriate for pupils’ individual pathways. Throughout the curriculum there is a focus on the development of skills in preparation for adulthood so that pupils can be prepared for the next phase of their education and their personal pathways to accreditation.
The Post 16 curriculum is designed to reflect the change as our pupils become young adults and make the significant step from a pre-16 to a post 16 model. Learners access a curriculum targeted to their learning needs and designed to prepare them for their next college or work environment.
All learners follow a programme of life, social and employability skills along with vocational experiences in addition to developing independent living skills.
Whilst continuing to extend and develop their key skills in English, Maths and Communication our Post 16 pupils work towards the following formal accreditations at varying levels:
- OCR Life and Living Skills
- BTEC Work Skills
- Accredited Food Hygiene and First Aid certification