Covid-19 Communication
Letter From The SEAX Trust 25.02.22
Updated guidance from Essex County Council - 24th February 2022
Updated guidance from Essex County Council - 14th December 2021
Updated Guidance from Essex County Council December 2021
Updated Guidance from Essex County Council - Sept 2021
Updated Guide for Families - September 2021
SEAX Trust Covid Outbreak Contingency Plan
Autumn Term Arrangements
As the summer term draws to a close, I would like to share with you our plans for the start of the next academic year.
As you are aware the government has recently issued new guidance for schools to take effect from Step 4 of the roadmap. The key points and significant changes that apply from July 19th are listed below:
- Bubbles and consistent groups will no longer be necessary
- Assemblies can resume
- Collective break and lunchtime arrangements can resume
- Face coverings will no longer be advised for pupils and staff in classrooms or communal areas
- Removal of the need to stagger start and end times
- Removal of restrictions on gatherings and group sizes
- From 16th August children under the age of 18 years old will no longer be required to self-isolate if they are a close contact of a positive COVID-19 case. Instead they will be asked to take a PCR test.
As you know we will always follow the current government guidance for schools and therefore we expect that the following changes will apply in our school from September 2021:
- Pupils will no longer be required to arrive at different times and different school entry points and we can return to all Primary and Secondary pupils coming in through the playground gates at the rear 8:45-9:00am. Post 16 students should continue to arrive at their start time through the front pedestrian gates.
- The school day will resume its normal end time with pupils being collected or walking supervised to the rear gates at 3:25 and school transport boarding in school at 3:35.
- Collective break and lunchtimes will resume with all pupils having lunch in the school hall and having shared access to the playground/field and outside areas.
- Lunchtime clubs will resume as will Breakfast Club.
- Whole school assemblies will take place on Monday and Friday mornings.
- Full and correct school uniform should be worn at all times and pupils will again be required to bring correct school PE kit into school and change using the changing facilities.
- Pupils will move around the school to access specialist rooms for subjects and classrooms will return to seating arrangements best suited to meet the educational needs of each class.
- The arrangements in place regarding our response to a case of Covid 19 remains as before and pupils, staff and other adults should not come into school if they have symptoms and/or have had a positive test result.
- Should any pupil display symptoms then they will be accompanied to the designated, well ventilated room and parents/carers informed to collect as soon as possible.
As always we will ensure that the ongoing enhanced hygiene measures remain in place with good hygiene for all, maintained enhanced cleaning regimes, ventilated classrooms and other occupied areas.
We will continue to work closely with local PHE teams and take advice and should there be a rise in cases at any point we will take advice from public health which may include temporarily reintroducing some control measures such as face coverings and/or bubbles.
Asymptomatic Testing
Staff and students will not be asked to test regularly over the summer holidays. However, as before, we would strongly encourage and ask that, where at all possible and where able, pupils in year 7 and above complete two lateral flow tests (3-5 days apart) prior to returning to school in September. To this end we will be sending out test kits to all those that have been currently requesting them regularly. Should you wish to be added to this distribution list in order to have tests at home for September return, please contact the school office or e-mail
As before, anyone who tests positive on a lateral flow test should self-isolate and get a PCR test to confirm the result. The individual should continue to self-isolate whilst they await the result.
As always we are mindful that things can change very quickly. I will be in touch near the end of the summer break to confirm or to highlight any changes to government guidance that might impact the above arrangements.
If you have any questions in the meantime, please do not hesitate to contact us.
Covid-19 NHS Test and Trace Support Payment
You might be able to get a payment of £500 if you've been told to self-isolate by NHS Test and Trace, or you're the parent or guardian of a child who has been told to self-isolate, if you meet the eligibility criteria. Please click on the link below for details:
Covid-19 Home Testing Kits
Below are the links to further information with regard to home testing pupils
Click on this link to report your lateral flow test result to the NHS:
Help and information regarding taking the lateral flow test:
COVID-19 Useful Websites for General Information
Test and Trace
Return to School Pack
Education settings have been able to return to full-time opening for all students this term, due in large to a reduction in COVID-19 cases in the community. This reduction is thanks to the sacrifices every member of the community made earlier this year, by staying at home, not seeing friends and relatives in person, and maintaining social distancing measures. However, as restrictions have been eased and schools and colleges are now returning full time, we must all remain alert.
Schools and colleges have measures in place for pupils attending in order to reduce the spread of COVID-19. They are asking pupils to wash their hands more regularly, restricting time spent in communal areas and, importantly, keeping pupils in class or year group-sized bubbles. This limits the number of people each pupil and staff member comes into contact with in their setting.
When travelling to and from settings, we know groups of pupils and parents must arrive at the same time. Schools have put measures in place to aid the safe entry and exit of pupils. These may include queueing systems, one way systems or monitors to oversee arrivals and departures. It is crucial that pupils and parents maintain a two metre distance from others at the school gate. The whole school population, whether on school grounds or off it, must remain vigilant and observe social distancing measures. It is vital we all play our part if we’re to avoid a spike in the community and the reintroduction of lockdown measures.
I thank you for your support.
Dr Mike Gogarty
Director of Wellbeing, Public Health and Communities, Essex County Council.
Visitors to School
Letters to Parents/Carers
Reasonable Endeavours
Coronavirus: List of online education resources for home education
Dear Parents/Carers
Please find link below from the Department of Education for a list on online resources for home education:
Any queries please do not hesitate to contact us.
Grove House School