Approach to Assessment
Academic Assessment
In making assessments staff use B squared progress measures. Degrees of pupil progress across time scales can also be measured using this tool. Staff are aware of the areas not yet achieved and incorporate these, as appropriate, in future planning and target setting.
Personal and Social Development – Assessment
The three areas of independence, interaction and attention are recorded on a fifteen-point scale each January and July. For many pupils these are the most important areas in which progress must be made in their personal development. These areas are a key feature of the Individual targets/Annual Review/EHCP.
Therapeutic Assessment
Speech and Language
The following assessments are carried out by our Speech and Language Therapists where appropriate:
- CLEAR Speech Screen - Phonological Assessment
- Nuffield Dyspraxia Screen
- The Clinical Evaluation of Language Fundamentals – Fifth Edition (CELF-5)
- Assessment of Comprehension and Expression (ACE)
- Test of Abstract Language Comprehension 1 and 2 (TALC)
- Renfrew Action Picture Test (RAPT)
- Renfrew Narrative Bus Story Test
- Informal Vocabulary Assessments
Social Skills
- The Talkabout Assessment Tool
- Pragmatics Profile (CELF-5 subtest)
Whilst assessment is ongoing, comprehensive assessments take place when students transition key stage and review assessments take place annually in order to fully monitor and analyse pupils’ therapeutic progress.
Occupational Therapy
If a need for Occupational Therapy is identified, Occupational Therapists will use standardised assessments where appropriate including:
- Butenika Developmental
- Visual Motor Integration (VMI)
- Visual Perception (VP)
- Fine Motor Coordination (MC)
- Sensory Profile Assessment
Assessments of Reading and Spelling
These are carried out in November/December each year. The test used depends on the pupil’s age and ability. The tests used include:
- Edinburgh Reading Tests
- Salford Sentence/Comprehension
- NFER British Spelling Test Series
Target Setting
Targets are set in different ways including.
Individual Target Plans ( ITPs) are driven by the pupil’s learning, therapeutic and social needs and directly relate to the ongoing objectives and outcomes from the EHCP/Annual review. These relate to the areas of Personal and Social Development, literacy, numeracy and communication.
Annual review targets/EHCP outcomes are set mainly by the class team and school therapy team but are influenced by other professionals, parents and the pupil. They are yearly and relate directly to the long-term objectives of the statement/EHCP outcomes.
Grove House School employs a range of strategies to keep parents fully informed of their child’s progress in school. The school encourages parents to contact the school if they have concerns about any aspect of their child’s learning.