Governance Arrangements
Grove House School took the decision to join the SEAX Multi-Academy Trust in October 2016, forming an alliance with Thriftwood School and College in Galleywood/Chelmsford and Langham Oaks School in Colchester. Staff and Governors make the most of the opportunity to share expertise and resources with partner schools, whilst retaining the individual identity of Grove House School.
The SEAX Trust’s Main Board and its committees meet on a regular basis to monitor school performance, and Headteacher and Business Manager groups have been set up to enable members to develop strategy and share ideas.
SEAX Trust has children and young people with special educational needs at the heart of its decision making and all that is does. The Trust provides a strong leadership and governance framework to both challenge and support all of its academies.
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As a charitable company limited by guarantee, SEAX Trust’s governance is undertaken in the same way as any other registered company. There are three layers of governance, as set out below:
SEAX Members
The Trust Members (total of 5) are the original subscribers to the Trust’s Memorandum of Association. They are financially responsible for the Trust. They have an overview of the governance arrangements of the Trust but are not involved in its day to day management.
They have a reserved number of powers designed to support stronger governance arrangements, such as being able to change the constitutional documents ie. the Articles of Association, and to appoint or remove Directors and approve annual audited accounts.
SEAX Board of Trustees
The Trustees are responsible for the management and administration of the Trust in line with the Articles of Association and Scheme of Delegation. They make decisions about the day to day running of the Trust, directing its affairs, ensuring that it is solvent, well-run and delivering its charitable outcomes for the benefit of the public.
The Board of Trustees has to answer to three different branches of Law; Company Law, Charity Law and Education Law. In Company Law, those on Board are known as “Directors of the Trust”. In Charity Law they are known as “Trustees”. The terminology is interchangeable as the role, duties and responsibilities are essentially the same. SEAX Trust has chosen the term “Trustees”, and the Board of Trustees is responsible for all the academies within the Trust.
To facilitate governance and provide detailed focus, the Board of Trustees has established two committees to which it has delegated some governance functions:
The Standards & Curriculum Committee – focussed on the quality of provision and pupil outcomes.
The Resource and Audit Committee – focussed on business, finance and HR.
Local Academy Committee
Each SEAX academy has a Local Academy Committee with its own range of duties, powers, and tasks to perform and these responsibilities are defined in the Scheme of Delegation. Those serving on a Local Academy Committee are referred to as The Governors.
In order to comply with the School’s Funding Agreement and the Academies Financial Handbook 2015, the following documents relating to Grove House School are available on the SEAX website:
- Names of the Governors, including the date of their appointment, end date of their term of office, date stepped down (where applicable) and who appointed them (in accordance with the School’s Articles of Association)
- The Register of Business Interests/Conflict of Interests in relation to the Members, Trustees and members of the Senior Leadership Team
- The Record of Governors’ attendance at meetings of the Local Academy Committee
- SEAX Trust accounts Financial Statements and Funding Agreements - Seax Trust
- Executive pay Important Governance Documents - Seax Trust
The school’s constitutional documents are also available:
- Latest Annual Report & Accounts
- Current Memorandum of Association
- Current Articles of Association
- Funding Agreement