At Grove House we intend that our pupils will.......
develop their skills and confidence within a range of physical activities and work and communicate effectively as part of a team so that they can continue to be active and healthy throughout their life.
At Grove House PE is studied throughout KS2 – KS4. In KS5 students take part in Sport in the Community sessions. Physical ability at Grove House is very varied. Tasks are adapted and differentiated within and between classes in the same key stage depending on, amongst other things, prior knowledge; gross motor skill ability and motivation. Methods of adaptation include by task, by equipment e.g. softer or harder rugby balls and by number of people or space allowed for the activity.
The curriculum topics in KS2 aim to consolidate and develop fundamental movement skills and start to use these in combination. Topics follow the KS2 NC programme of study to include a mixture of competitive games, artistic movement and development of strength, technique control and balance. Swimming is also included at Primary phase in accordance with National Curriculum for KS1 and 2. In KS2 students additionally have a weekly forest school session to develop outdoor and adventurous exploration and associated skills of problem-solving, resilience, innovation and teamwork.
In KS3 students work on building skills with an emphasis on developing and implementing tactics and strategies, analysing individual performance and improvement of technique and skills. Students work on sensitively communicating areas for improvement.
In KS4 this process continues including encouraging an understanding of different roles in a team; the development of a leadership style and an appreciation of how individual preferences and abilities can start to inform choices for an active lifestyle going forwards. Students are expected to analyse and feedback on each other’s performances as the basis for written assessment for OCR Entry Level accreditation in year 11. House captains and vice captains are expected to inspire positive competition through events such as sports day.
In KS5, students are supported to access sports and activities independently in the community, e.g. in sessions at a local public gym, thinking about their role as a future participant, competitor, volunteer or official.
Through competition at many levels, students are encouraged to reflect on their performance, use strategies to manage their responses to winning and losing and develop motivational, leadership and supporting roles during games. Students use language and communication skills to encourage, inspire, and forge positive group dynamics when working with others. Opportunities to experience new sports are often sought through visiting coaches or experiences such as Special School Games.
Golden Mile is delivered to promote physical endurance, stamina and an enthusiasm for being active. Golden Mile helps to inspire students in being active, supporting others and adopting a positive attitude towards health and exercise.
The Zones of Regulation Programme is delivered and embedded within Games sessions to support students in understanding their emotions and using strategies to help their regulation to promote good wellbeing. Energy levels vary across students and they require support in managing this to facilitate participation and engagement. Through developing interoceptive skills, students improve their ability to identify how their body is feeling. Winning and losing can be tricky for some pupils, therefore giving them the skills and strategies to cope with situations enables them to become more independent and resilient individuals. Students are encouraged to celebrate their own achievements and the success of others.